''Eye opening material delivered in an engaging method. Thank you!''
-Steilacoom School District Educator
''Jesus seemed very passionate about saving lives and preparing us for an active killer event. The facts are scary but I feel more prepared to go back and be proactive in my classroom and education career.''
-Steilacoom School District Educator
'Mr. Villahermosa presented this serious course in such a tremendous and enlightening way. I recommend him to other districts who do not have a comprehensive safety plan'
- High School Educator
'Mr Villahermosa came to Blue Ridge to present to our children and us parents on active shooter/killer incidents.
I can absolutely say he is a dynamic, engaging and passionate speaker. Additionally the information is eye opening and myth busting.
This is what parents need, this is what schools need and most importantly, this training is what our kids need to stay alive.
This man and this course gets my highest recommendation.'
- Mike MacKinnon